Boxmoor and District Probus Club of Hemel Hempstead

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The Boxmoor and District Probus Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Potten End Village Hall at 10am for 10.30am. It has a very lively male membership of around 100 members, and achieves high attendance levels at all meetings and other events. Since formation, it has placed great emphasis on attracting high quality, entertaining speakers dealing with a wide range of subjects.
The annual subscription is just £30.00. The wives and partners of members are invited to join their menfolk on visits and special events. More detailed information is given about our meetings, guest speakers and programme of visits on the other pages of this web-site.

The Club's Rules allow for a total of 110 members so a warm welcome will be given to potential members, who are cordially invited to be our guests at a Club meeting, following which they will be able to apply for membership. For more information, see About Our Club or email our club secretary at: Enquiries

reflections stationmoor

Beautiful Boxmoor

Photography by Mary Cobill.